2025 EAAC: Review Panelist Application

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Fresno Arts Council seeks qualified panelists to serve as adjudicators to review for the Expanded Access to Arts and Culture Fund. Accepted panelist applicants may serve on multiple panels (General Operating Support and Project-Specific Support).

An adjudication panel made up of community members representative of the cultural, demographic, and geographic diversity of Fresno will be assembled. They may include artists, culture bearers, and Non-Profit administrators. The Commission and Fresno Arts Council shall ensure that grant applications are reviewed in a transparent, competitive process. A list of eligible panelists will be submitted to the PRAC prior to the start of the adjudication to review process.

Panelists are required to declare any possible conflict of interest at the time of application. Panelists may not be on the board or staff of any applicant for that grant cycle, nor related by blood or marriage to any applicant in that grant cycle. Panelist applicants who will submit grant applications may not serve on the adjudication to review panel for the grant for which they intend to apply.

Ex. If you are associated with an organization that will submit both General Operating Support and Project-Specific Support, you may not serve as a panelist; if you are associated with an organization that will submit a General Operating Support Grant application, you may serve only on the Project-Specific Grant panel, provided that you did not also submit an application in that category; and so on.

Panelist Application Opens: March 3, 2025

Panelist Application Deadline: May 16, 2025

The panelist review period is anticipated to be during June-July 2025 (dates are subject to change). 

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