

Please call the Downtown Fresno Partnership for a list of vendor contacts. 559-490-9966. Thanks!

1. Annual ArtHop™ membership fee is $180.00 for the period of ArtHop™-related art programming occurring between January 1, 2025, to December 31, 2025.

2. ArtHop™ participation requires a physical location to exhibit artwork, depending on circumstances that may be related to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic or other public health emergencies and/or natural disasters. The Fresno Arts Council will assist you in contacting artists, or you can use our website and social networks to post an open call for artists.

3. ArtHop™ is FREE to the public and there is NO FEE for artists to exhibit artwork at your location. Therefore, you are prohibited from charging entrance fees and/or ticket sales during ArtHop™ and/or broker fees for exhibitions. You may, however, discuss the terms and rates of a commission from any sales made during ArtHop™ or the exhibition period at your location at your discretion.

4. Once you have confirmed and booked an artist for the exhibition, please inform your artist(s) with a production timeline for the agreed-upon exhibition in a reasonable manner, i.e. one-day or monthlong exhibit or more, so that artist(s) can prepare. We suggest drafting an agreement with your artist(s) that clearly states the dates and times for both installation and removal of each confirmed booking with your artist(s).

5. ArtHop™ is observed on the first and third Thursday of each month between the hours of 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM. You are welcome to open your ArtHop™ event(s) earlier and/or extend your hours past this general event period. 

a. ArtHop™ venues will provide a public reception during ArtHop™ hours, or from 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM. Music and/or other artistic performances are optional but encouraged. Receptions may include snacks or appetizers and non-alcoholic beverages. Venues that choose to serve alcohol must be compliant with ordinances from the City of Fresno: you may need to acquire a one-day license or permit. If serving alcoholic beverages, venues should monitor the serving area to ensure that no minors under 21 years of age are served whether directly or indirectly.

b. All exhibiting artists must be present and/or available during the ArtHop™ event to greet the public and discuss their artwork. ArtHop™ venues will be supplied with ArtHop™ brochures for promotion. If you require additional printed brochures during the 2024 season, please contact the Fresno Arts Council during regular business hours.

c. The first Thursday ArtHop™ is held in Downtown Fresno and the Tower District areas; the third Thursday ArtHop™ is held in the greater Fresno metropolitan area, including the City of Clovis and outlying areas of Fresno County.

6. The Fresno Arts Council does not provide insurance coverage for your ArtHop™ event and is not responsible for any damages and/or loss of property. Venues will provide insurance for ArtHop™. Artist(s) featured during ArtHop™. Featured Artists will provide insurance coverage for their own artwork(s) exhibited.

7. ArtHop™ venues are responsible for submitting event programming updates, including any flyers and/or social media, to the Fresno Arts Council by the Friday before the next scheduled ArtHop™ date. This will allow Fresno Arts Council staff time to promote your upcoming ArtHop™ event(s) online through our website, e-newsletters, and social media. You may send (1) image and a brief blurb (200 words or less) describing the event to elisa.flores@fresnoartscouncil.org.

8. ArtHop™ venues are encouraged to release promotional materials to the media (and the Fresno Arts Council) at least 30 days prior to the event. Please email announcements to elisa.flores@fresnoartscouncil.org. Printed materials may be delivered to the Fresno Arts Council during regular business hours or mailed to our address: 1245 Van Ness Avenue, Fresno CA 93721.

If you have questions about the terms of these general guidelines, please contact elisa.flores@fresnoartscouncil.org or call (559) 237-9734 during our regular business hours. We are open Monday through Friday from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM PDT/PST. Thank you for your support for the arts in Fresno County, and for sustaining ArtHop™’s 25th year of free and public arts programming!


The FITI 2025 S.T.E.P Summit invites artists to explore and reimagine the beauty of clean transportation and renewable energy. This unique exhibition celebrates the fusion of art and sustainability, showcasing innovative perspectives on eco-friendly technology.

2025 Moving Tomorrow: Art of Clean Futures is a juried exhibition dedicated to exploring the future of transportation energy. The event showcases the artistic reflections of innovation in clean energy, including electric vehicles, hydrogen fuel, biofuels, and clean transportation, to inspire awareness and action. Held in Fresno, the heart of California’s transportation and energy transition efforts, this exhibition aims to celebrate creativity while promoting sustainable solutions for a cleaner, greener future. 

Exhibition Themes:

  • Transportation Energy: Electrification, Hydrogen Power, Biofuels, Other Alternative Energy 
  • Other General Transportation Innovations / Infrastructure

Exhibition Categories:

  • (1) 2D Visual Art: Painting (all types), Illustration, Drawing
  • (2) Documentary Photography: Unedited or slightly color-graded
  • (3) Manipulated Photography: Significantly manipulated using photo-editing software, including stylistic colors, masking, AI manipulation, etc.
  • (4) 3D Art: Sculpture (all types) - Clay, Ceramic, Wood, Masonry, Metalwork, etc.


  • November 1, 2024 – Call for Entries Opens
  • February 17, 2025 – Call for Entries Closes
  • March 7, 2025 – Summit Exhibition and Awards


SUBMISSION GUIDELINES DISCIPLINES: We are seeking original works of art in the following visual arts disciplines: painting, illustration, drawing, sculpting, documentary photography, and manipulated photography. Submissions from other disciplines (e.g., literature, music, and performance arts) will not be considered.



  1. Applicant must be the sole creator of the original artwork(s) submitted. Artist collaborations are ineligible.
  2. Applicant must be at least 18 years of age on or before January 31, 2025.
  3. Artists from all around the world are eligible to participate. 
  4. Submit a brief and concise cover letter for each application (Artist Narrative in Submittable), detailing up to three (3) works of art submitted for the 2025 Moving Tomorrow: Art of Clean Futures Juried Art Exhibition. Include the following information via Submittable Application: daytime contact (full name, mailing address, telephone numbers, e-mail), artist or personal website URL (if available), and full description of each artwork (media, style, dimensions, weight, purchase price, and general subject matter).
  5. Artworks submitted for the 2025 Moving Tomorrow: Art of Clean Futures Juried Exhibition must have been completed between the 2023-2025 calendar years, and must be original works of art. Copies and/or replications of original artworks will not be accepted.
  6. Applicant is responsible for transporting all original artworks to Valdez Hall, Fresno Convention Center located at 702 M St., Fresno, CA 93721. All original artworks must be received by the Fresno Arts Council at Valdez Hall on Thursday, March 6th between 8:00am and 12:00pm for cataloging and installation. Should events occur where a physical installation is not possible and a virtual gallery must be instead created, details will be discussed with the artist at least 14 days prior to the event start date. If the applicant is unable to deliver the art to Valdez Hall on March 6th, they must make prior arrangements with The Fresno Arts Council.  Artists are responsible for removing their art from Valdez Hall either Friday, March 7th following the exhibition. The Fresno Arts Council is not responsible for storing sculptures, assemblages & found object installations after the closing date and time of the 2025 Moving Tomorrow: Art of Clean Futures Juried Art Exhibition (in the case of a physical installation).
  7. Applicants may submit up to three (3) original artworks per submitted entry form through Submittable.
  8. The entry fees are due at the time of submitted application and are as follows: One artwork submitted: $30.00; Two artworks submitted: $40.00; Three artworks submitted: $50.00
  9. Applicants may submit as many individual applications as desired; all fees apply.
  10. Applicants must upload digital images of each original artwork submitted in each application: Images must capture the entire original artwork. No cropped images are accepted. Images must be in PNG or .jpg format, and no wider than 1280 pixels. Images must be reasonably crisp, or at least 72 dpi resolution. Images must not be larger than 2MB each. If image files must be compressed, please select medium compression quality. EACH IMAGE FILE must be labeled using this format: last name_first name_title of artwork submitted, e.g. Smith_John_Hydrogen Fuel Cell Truck. 
  11. Regarding Framed Artwork: each original artwork must be fully dried, framed, securely wired, and ready to hang. Acrylic is preferred over glass, for safety purposes. Canvases and cradled panels will be accepted as long as they are appropriately prepared for hanging.
  12. MAXIMUM weight limit for each original artwork is fifty (50) pounds.
  13. MAXIMUM dimensions for each original artwork are thirty-four (34) inches tall and no wider than sixty (60) inches across. **NO EXCEPTIONS**
  14. All submitted original artworks are given the option to be available for purchase. Please indicate if you would like your art to be available for purchase and a proposed price in your submission. 
  15. Entrants selected for the 2025 Moving Tomorrow: Art of Clean Futures Juried Art Exhibition will be notified by submittable, e-mail, and/or phone from a representative from the Fresno Arts Council by the end of the second week in February 2025. Please do not call or e-mail the Fresno Arts Council or the Fresno International Transportation Innovations Summit regarding the status of your entry prior to this time window.
  16. Notified entrants will be requested to provide a brief artist's bio of 100 words (or less) after the second week in February 2025, and be asked to sign a Fresno Arts Council Release of Liability Form via Docusign to complete the registration process.

A PANEL OF JURORS WILL BE ANNOUNCED FEBRUARY 2025: The 2025 Moving Tomorrow: Art of Clean Futures Juried Art Exhibition panel of judges will be composed of qualified artists and arts patrons from the transportation and energy communities. Winning entries selected by the judges are final. **No entry fees will be refunded.**

Download guidelines here.

The Fresno Arts Council in partnership with The Fresno City Hall, is now accepting submissions from artists, art groups and art organizations to exhibit artwork at one of two floors from January 1, 2025 to Dec. 31, 2025.



 The City of Fresno (City) and the Fresno Arts Council (FAC) wishes to expand the art experience for the public, to make available to this community artwork of high quality, to help create a more visually pleasing environment, and seek to provide awareness in the diverse histories and cultures of this community.

 City Hall is a public facility of the City; it’s not a formal museum, nor is it a commercial gallery; it’s a facility for conducting government business. The audience ranges from children to the aged, from employees to the general public, from people with limited life experiences to the sophisticated, from the few who come to the facility specifically to see the exhibits to the many that are required to be present for various reasons. The exhibit provides artists with access to a wider audience, and it provides the public an exposure to art, which they might not seek on their own. All exhibits should be appropriate for such a mixed audience. Artwork that makes Political Commentary will not be displayed.

 1. The City and FAC will be responsible for providing the necessary supplies needed for hanging the exhibits. If special equipment is required, FAC and their Curators will coordinate with the Exhibitor and the City.
 2. The City and FAC do not provide insurance for the artwork of the Exhibitor.

 1. Each work cannot be taller than 34”; the length size is open on north and south walls; on east walls, work can be considerably higher, but not wider than 54”. Each work cannot weigh over 50 lbs. All work needs to be wired to hang in our hanging system.

 2. Each work must be completely dry--no freshly painted work accepted; professionally finished and framed (uni-frames not acceptable); backed with hooks and coated wire positioned near top of work and ready for display. If wire is positioned too close to the middle of the piece it will not hang flat.

 3. Write artist name and title of work on the back of each work.
 1. Exhibitor will deliver work on the scheduled dates at City Hall at 8:30 a.m. and pick up work at 8:30 a.m.

 2. Pedestals or easels to display work are not permitted due to safety regulations at City Hall.

 3. Deliver work and labels describing each work (headstones) to be displayed next to each work. Print labels using Avery “Clean Edge” Business Cards; handwritten labels not accepted for display. No changes to labels will be permitted during the exhibit. If changes are required contact FAC with said changes and provide an equal label for replacement. Sold pieces can be marked with a dot sticker on the label. The information required on the labels are as follows:
 Title of work
 Name of artist
 Price; show NFS if not for sale
 Exhibitor will provide FAC a list of work exhibited. If possible, include numbered stickers on artwork matching the artwork to the numbers on the list.

 7. Exhibitions must include an “Artist Statement” describing artwork, size 8.5” x 11” framed, mounted and ready for display. Email the statement for approval prior to the exhibition date to: elisa.flores@fresnoartscouncil.org

 8. Exhibitor will deliver work at City Hall. PLEASE NOTE: Artwork will be selected and hung at the discretion of the Preparator PRIOR TO BEING HUNG. After work has been selected, Exhibitor will take the work that was not selected.

 The Exhibitor selected to display artwork at City Hall must comply with the following guidelines:

 1. Signed Agreement and Schedule of Works must be submitted to FAC before exhibition is mounted.

 2. Schedule of Works must include prices consistent with the labels displayed.
 3. Provide the name of a person to coordinate and oversee all arrangements necessary for the exhibition, publicity and installation plans. Exhibitor must provide all labor to transport work to City Hall, and whatever else is deemed appropriate.

 4. Exhibitor will deliver and pick up work by designated schedule. If work not claimed by the pickup date, it will be transported and stored at the FAC office.
 5.  Exhibitor can provide a reception during ArtHop on the first Thursday of the month from
 5-8 pm; free to the public. Receptions not on a regularly scheduled ArtHop must be approved in advance by FAC.

 6. An Alcohol permit must be requested a month in advance in order to serve alcohol during your reception. No alcoholic beverages are served to minors at the receptions. 

  7. NO WINE BOTTLES OR GLASSES ARE ALLOWED IN CITY HALL. Box wine, wine bags, beer cans are allowed.

8. Exhibitor must be present during the ArtHop event, or other receptions open to the public.

 9. No soliciting of a private or political nature shall occur with the exception of informational material regarding the artist’s work or the organization itself.

 10. Public information and/or advertising regarding the exhibition, receptions and other activities are the responsibility of the exhibitor. FAC must approve the use of their name in any promotional materials and reception details in advance.

 11. Exhibitor must provide their own insurance; the City and FAC does not provide insurance.

 12. Artwork displayed may be available for sale. Exhibitor is responsible for the sale transactions. The interested party will contact FAC and we’ll contact the Exhibitor.

 13. Exhibitor agrees to notify FAC one month in advance, or ASAP, if unable to exhibit work during the scheduled dates at City Hall. FAC will seek a replacement for the exhibition.
 1.Artwork will not be displayed without a signed Agreement and a Schedule of Works.

 2. All exhibits and events are subject to change without notice. FAC will do their best to keep in contact with Exhibitor of any changes.

 3. Artwork cannot be added or removed premature to the exhibition schedule.

 4. Artwork must not be of a nature that would threaten public safety or contain graphic nudity or profanity.

 5. Exhibits must abide by all City and Fire Code Regulations; access must be available to all exits at City Hall.

 6. No painting or reconstruction of any wall is allowed.

 7. No hammering, screwing, or pounding, or attaching anything to the exhibit walls, spaces, or areas are allowed. Hanging rails and display space and area must be used appropriately.

 Please sign this form. if selected, to exhibit at City Hall and you agree with all the above guidelines. This form must be signed and received within 15 days of notification to Exhibitor, or this agreement is cancelled.

Exhibitor’s Signature: ______________________________________________________
Printed Name: ____________________________________________________________
Date: ___________________________________________________________________
Home Phone: ____________________________________________________________
Cell: ____________________________________________________________________
E-mail: __________________________________________________________________
Note: This is an abridged version of the City of Fresno Exhibits in Public Places Policy accepted by the Fresno City Council on June 2, 1992.





FULL GUIDELINES AT https://www.fresnoartscouncil.org/ruralartsaccessfund 

Full application guidelines are available here.

Request for Proposals is available here.

For a copy of the guidelines in Spanish, contact the Fresno Arts Council at 559-237-9734

Para obtener una copia de las pautas en español, llame a Fresno Arts Council (el Consejo de las Artes de Fresno) al 559.237.9734.

For a copy of the guidelines in Hmong, contact the Fresno Arts Council at 559-237-9734.

Hu rau lub Fresno Art Council ntawn 559-237-9734 yog tias koj xav tau ib daim ntawv luam u alus Hmoob txog peb cov lus coj qhia.

For a copy of guidelines in Punjabi contact the Fresno Arts Council at 559-237-9734

ਪੰਜਾਬੀ ਵਿਚ ਦਿਸ਼ਾ-ਨਿਰਦੇਸ਼ਾਂ ਦੀ ਕਾਪੀ ਲਈ ਫਰਿਜ਼ਨੋ ਆਰਟਸ ਕੌਂਸਲ ਨੂੰ 559-237-9734 'ਤੇ ਸੰਪਰਕ ਕਰੋ


The purpose of the Rural Arts Access Fund Project Specific Grants is to increase access to the arts in rural Fresno County communities by supporting arts nonprofit programming and projects in Fresno County for the following disciplines and locations:

Disciplines: Visual, performing, literary, folk/traditional, media, and musical arts

Locations: 14 incorporated cities and unincorporated communities in Fresno County, including: 

Cities: Clovis, Coalinga, Firebaugh, Fowler, Huron, Kingsburg, Kerman, Mendota, Orange Cove, Parlier, Reedley, San Joaquin, Sanger, Selma AND unincorporated communities in Fresno County 

This funding opportunity aims to 1) increase access to the arts in rural communities in Fresno County, and 2) strengthen the skills and capacity of small to mid-sized arts organizations to apply for other grants in the future.

Please note: This grant is a pilot program and funded in part with a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts. This grant may or may not be offered in future Fresno Arts Council grant cycles.

*An organization may submit only one (1) application for this funding opportunity

Full application guidelines are available here.

Fresno Arts Council